PC Miler: Annual Mileage Update Comparison
PC Miler's next mileage versions become available in August for pre-work, and the miles become effective as the 'current version' on January 1 of the new year.
In order to stay current with mileage routing, Nucor has committed to always using the current version of PC Miler as it updates each year. The below steps outline the steps that a division can take to compare the mileage for the lanes in your network.
To run miles comparison for a list of origin-destinations:
- Connect with your IT group and get a listing of all truck lanes where mileage will need to be reviewed and updated. This file should contain at least city and state for both origin and destination. If your systems utilize ZIP or Postal code-level lanes, you would want to make sure your IT team adds the ZIP/Postal code to the file as well.
Once you have the file, you can move forward with the mileage comparison:
- Click on the link for the Mileage Lookup Tool on our Logistics' NucorNet page.
- Log in using your normal Nucor credentials, if necessary.
- Download the template for the type of city information you have (city-to-city or ZIP-to-ZIP).
- Open the downloaded spreadsheet and populate it with your lane information.
- Both US and Canadian destinations are supported. Lanes with Mexican origins or destinations are not supported.
- If you are using ZIP-to-ZIP and your file includes Canadian destinations, you must have one space in the postal code (A1A 2B2).
- Miles are returned only for ZIP codes associated with physical addresses (no post boxes).
- Save the Excel file to your desktop with the name of your choice
- Return to the Mileage Lookup Tool page, enter your email address in box #3 and upload your file.
- You will note there is a red message toward the bottom of the page indicating a new version is available. Click the box just under this note to request a comparison report.
- Click the "Send" button.
- The page will update with a upload success message that includes your request id number.
- You will receive a system-generated email, referencing your request id number, which provides the estimated time it will take to complete the look-up. If your file is large, it may take several hours to run and return results.
- A second email will be sent with your results. A download link may be required, depending on the size of your file.
The Difference column displays the differences between the versions. Using Excel's filter capabilities can help highlight the lanes where adjustments may be needed.
Lanes where PC Miler was unable to identify either the origin or destination will be returned with an error message. This may be due to an invalid ZIP code, incorrect spelling, or a non-standard abbreviation.